Issue Position: Voting Access

Issue Position

Current voter laws have worked in Pennsylvania with zero cases of voter fraud ever reported.

Recently, the Commonwealth Court decided that the Voter ID bill proposed by Gov. Corbett and House and Senate Republicans was a "substantial threat" to the rights of "hundreds of thousands" of potential voters including the elderly, youth, and minorities.

If the Governor decides to appeal the Commonwealth Court's decision, more of our tax money will be put toward defending a bill that is destined to fail.

Registering to vote should be made easier, not more difficult. Voter registration should be allowed online and voter registration forms should be available at the places you travel to everyday like the supermarket, the hardware store, or the drug store.

There are also emerging technologies which would allow election day voting to take place on your smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop. As this technology is developed and secured, Pennsylvania should look at any method that increases access to voting while driving down the cost of elections.
